This collection type can only be used by groups and virtual groups
Registration process required for this method of reporting. Groups planning to use this method must register between April 1, 2021 and July 1, 2021.
CAHPS, or Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Services, is an official survey process. All surveys officially designated as CAHPS surveys have been approved by the CAHPS Consortium, which is overseen by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). To learn more about CAHPS surveys click here. CAHPS surveys follow scientific principles in survey design and development. The surveys are designed to reliably assess the experiences of a large sample of patients. They use standardized questions and data collection protocols to ensure that information can be compared across healthcare settings.
If a provider or group chooses to include a CAHPS survey within their MIPS activities, the survey will be performed between November and February and count as one measure within the Quality category. This would leave both small and large practices responsible for submitting five more measures via one of the other reporting mechanisms. As a measurement of patient experience, it is classified as “high priority” and would entitle the group to 2 bonus points if reported in addition to an outcome or other patient experience measure.
CAHPS for MIPS is not required for groups > 100 like it was within PQRS. Importantly, CAHPS studies need to be administered by a CMS-approved CAHPS survey vendor. It remains at the discretion of each group as to whether a CAHPS study and the associated costs make sense for their MIPS participation.
RevolutionEHR is not a CMS-approved CAHPS survey vendor and, in turn, cannot assist with this method of reporting.