In the event of a Customer Exit, the following information can be exported for all Active patients:
- Encounters, Orders, Invoices, and Documents & Images are exported in PDF format. PDFs include one instance of each category per patient (e.g., one encounter included in one pdf per patient; one order included in one pdf per patient; one invoice included in one pdf per patient; one document or image included in one pdf per patient).
- The Patient Data, Administrative Data, and Product & Services Catalog Data listed below are exported to TAB-delimited text files (.txt) with one file per category.
Patient Data | ||
Demographics | Appointments (past and future) | Spec Rx |
Salutation | Type | Sphere |
First Name | Provider | Cylinder |
Middle Name | Location | Axis |
Last Name | Note/Comment | Add |
Suffix | Appointment ID | Vertical Prism |
Nickname | Patient ID | Vertical Prism Orientation |
DOB | State Date (and time) | Horizontal Prism |
Gender | End Date (and time) | Horizontal Prism Orientation |
Appointment status | Rx Date | |
SSN | Employee | Patient ID |
Marital Status | Role | Balanced |
Address 1 | Summary | Near Add |
Address 2 | Create date | Intermediate Add |
City | Created by | Distance PD |
State | Updated date | Near PD |
Zip | Updated by | Exp Date |
Home phone | Confirmation status | Insurance |
Work phone | Confirmation date | Company name |
Cell phone | Insurance validity | Policy # |
Other phone | Insurance comment | Group # |
Pager | Insurance Verification date | Plan Name |
Fax | Insurance Verified by | Policy Holder Relationship |
General Note | Recalls | Policy Holder Person ID |
Primary Provider | Date | Policy Holder First Name |
Primary Location | Type | Policy Holder Last Name |
Patient ID | Comment | Policy Holder DOB |
External patient ID | Patient ID | Policy Holder Address |
Person ID | Recall status | Policy Holder Home Phone |
Create date | Last Communication Date | Policy Holder Gender |
Patient Status (act/inact/dec) | Number of Communications | |
Patient Type (new/established) | Related appointment ID | |
State Date | Created date | |
Professional Credentials | Updated date | |
Date of death | Diagnoses | |
Preferred phone | ICD 9 - ICD 10 | |
Race | Dx Date | |
Ethnicity | CL Rx | |
Primary Language | All fields | |
Religion | Notes | |
Employer | Accounting1 | |
Position | Patient Balance | |
Employment status | Patient Credit | |
Employer Address 1 | Insurance Balance | |
Employer Address 2 | ||
Employer City | ||
Employer State | ||
Employer Zip | ||
Guarantor | ||
Administrative Data | ||
Employees | External Providers | |
Employee ID | Provider ID | |
First Name | First Name | |
Last Name | Last Name | |
User Name | NPI | |
Product & Services Catalog Data | ||
Services | Physical Inventory | |
Location | Item ID | |
Service ID | Location | |
Service Type | Product ID | |
Code | Category | |
Modifier | Manufacturer | |
Name | Brand | |
Short Description | Collection | |
Long Description | Model | |
Invoice Description | Product Code | |
Common Description | Invoice Description | |
Tax | Actual Cost | |
Price | Wholesale Price | |
Products | Multiplier | |
Location | Additional Amount | |
Product ID | Retail Price | |
Category | Tax | |
Manufacturer | UPC | |
Brand | SKU | |
Collection | Default Supply Cost | |
Model | Unit Price | |
Product Code | Packaging | |
Invoice Description | CL is Trial | |
Actual Cost | CL Parameters | |
Wholesale Price | Eyeglass Lens Parameters | |
Multiplier | Frame Size Measurements | |
Additional Amount | Item Quantity | |
Retail Price | Stock Status | |
Tax |
1 - For patient balances, this is the balance only and does not include details for the charges represented by the balance.