The practice can post their texting phone number on their website for patient's to initiate a conversation. As the incoming text is received, RevolutionEHR searches the practice's patients' database for a matching phone number and auto assigns a name in the two-way texting screen. See Example
- If the phone number matches more than one patient, as could be the case within a family, the system will not auto assign the name to the number. See Example
- Select the primary contact from the list, and click 'Save.' See Example
- To edit the primary contact, click the edit primary contact icon to display the list of patients that match the phone number, and select the patient from the list. See Example
- If the phone number has been used in a prior texting situation, the system assigns the name of the patient based upon the most recent texting conversation. The practice can edit the contact name of the current text and the system maintains the name of the contact from prior texts.
- If an incoming phone number does not match a patient within the practice's database, the system lists it as unknown. The practice has the ability to text with the person, ask their name, and then update their demographics. After demographics is updated, the user can edit the primary contact and the text displays the patient's name.