The way to remove a credit balance depends on if the credit has been refunded to the patient.
Credit Not Refunded
- Access Patients > search for and open a patient > Account > Credit History.
- Click the void credit icon.
- In the Void Credit modal, input comments.
- Click 'Apply.'
Credit Refunded
When a credit has been refunded or used to pay an invoice, the credit payment or refund must be voided before voiding the credit.
- Access Patients > search for and open a patient > Account > Refund History.
- Click the void refund icon.
- In the Void Refund modal, input comments and click 'Apply.'
- Close the patient file.
- Open the patient file and complete the instructions above for "Credit not refunded."
Additional Information
If the credit has been applied, access the Payment History tab within the patient's Account component and void the credit payment. After the credit payment is voided, complete the instructions above for Credit Not Refunded.