When the Grant Credit button is selected on an invoice:
- The credit is granted to the patient's account.
- The Receipts report for the date the credit is granted displays a negative in the amount of the granted credit.
When a patient's credit is used as a payment:
- The Receipts report is increased by the amount of the credit because the credit is being used to pay for open charges.
When a granted credit is subsequently refunded:
- The Receipts report is not changed by the refund as the granted credit process has already accounted for the refund.
- The refund displays within the Refunds report.
When a credit is granted to a patient's account:
- The Deposits report is not changed.
- The money belongs to the patient; however, it is in the practice's possession and is included with funds for the deposit.
When a granted credit is refunded:
- The Deposits report reflects this for "cash, credit card, and care credit refunds." The monies refunded will reduce the funds available for deposit.
- Refunds distributed by check do not appear on the Deposits report, because the funds do not leave your possession until the check is cashed/deposited by the patient.
Deposit Slip
- The Deposit Slip report does not display refunds or granted credits.