Progress on each measure can be tracked on the “Promoting Interop – Stage 3” scorecard in RevolutionEHR, access Reports > Administration > Providers > MIPS - PI (Stage 3).
What’s new in Stage 3?
New and updated measures include:
- Access to PHR within 48 hours of Encounter
- Patient-Specific Education Provided via PHR
- Incorporate Patient-Generated Health Data
- Sending Summary of Care
- Request/Accept Summary of Care
- Clinical Information Reconciliation
Additionally, CMS has organized some measures together in two distinct groups. These groups require the provider to pass the threshold for at least two of the three measures in the group or qualify for associated exclusions. The scorecard in RevolutionEHR provides visualization of these groups: See Example
Use the links below to access details for objectives, their measures, and discussion.
- Protect Patient Health Information
- Clinical Decision Support
- Electronic Prescribing
- Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE)
- Patient Electronic Access to Health Information
- Patient-Specific Education
- View, Download, or Transmit
- Secure Messaging
- Patient-Generated Health Data
- Send Summary of Care
- Request and Accept Summary of Care
- Clinical Information Reconciliation
- Public Health Reporting