Inventory Transfers allows you to efficiently manage and track the progress of inbound and outbound transfers. The Transfers' dashboard groups the transfers by type (i.e., Open, Requested, Processing, Fulfilled, and Shipped). These groups of transfers include the total number of transfers for each status along with the individual count of how many are inbound and how many are outbound.
The ability to create a transfer is available from the dashboard, however, it is more common to create a transfer from within the Inventory tab of a product. See Create Transfer for instructions to transfer within the Product.
- Access Inventory > Transfers.
- Click the + plus icon.
- In the Create Transfer Request modal, select the "From Location" and the "To Location" within the dropdown menus.
- Click '+ Create Transfer.' Note: A transfer opens in a new tab.
- Input the UPC code (manually or with a scanner) into the field for Add Item by UPC. The UPC must exist in both locations.
- Click '+ Add' or press the enter key. Note: An error message displays if no matching UPCs or multiple UPCs are found between the two locations.
- Complete the field for Date Needed. After information has been added to this field, notice within the header of the transfer, the date needed is added to the display and reflects the earliest date needed for any item included in the transfer.
- The Comments field is optional, add comments, if necessary.
- Repeat steps 5-8 for additional items.
- Click 'Request Transfer.'
Additional Information
- Default search results: When the dashboard is first accessed and also when the Clear button has been enabled, the results grid displays "All Transfers In Process" for the location identified in the system's navigation bar. In Process includes all transfers that are Open, Requested, Processing, Fulfilled, and Shipped. It does not include Canceled or Received transfers.
Simple search: A simple search requires a transfer number. Input the transfer number (without a '#' preceding) into the search field and click 'Search.'
- Advanced search: Input search criteria into the fields and click 'Search.' Note: When the From and To location are the same (within the advanced search dropdown menus), the results grid includes transfers that are outbound from the location AND transfers inbound to the location.
Additional features:
- The blue header bar displays the search criteria that was used to obtain the results that are displayed within the grid.
- Transfers that are due on the current day are highlighted in yellow. Transfers that are past due are highlighted in red.