Fields within a test have different types of data sets, thus, the way in which the normals for the test are set is dependent on the data.
- Access Admin > Encounters / Interviews > Encounter Test Library > select a test category > open the test.
- Click within the field you want to set with a normal finding.
- Determine the type of data field, i.e., checkbox, dropdown menu, number, or text box, and follow the instructions below that match the type of field.
- Your cursor has input a checkmark within a checkbox of a test, notice the left of your screen displays the test name and a setting for Default Normal.
- Click the setting that you want the system to input automatically when the Normal button is used within the test. See Example
- Click 'Save.'
- Log out and log in to see the changes associated to the setting.
Dropdown Menu
- Your cursor has clicked within a field for a dropdown menu and the system is displaying the options available. Also notice, the left of your screen displays the Properties and Values tabs, with Properties open and displaying the test Name. See Example
- Access the Values tab.
- Click the ellipsis beside the Value within the grid that is to be set as the default normal.
- In the Edit Value modal, click the checkbox for Default Normal. See Example
- Click 'OK.' Note: The Value that has been set as the default normal displays within the grid in italic text. See Example
- Click 'Save.'
- Log out and log in to see the changes associated to the setting.
- Your cursor has clicked within a field that requires a number, notice the left of your screen displays the test name and a field for Default Normal.
- Input a number into the field for Default Normal. See Example
- Click 'Save.'
- Log out and log in to see the changes associated to the setting.
Text Box
- Your cursor has clicked within an open text box, notice the left of your screen displays the field name and a field for Default Normal.
- Input text into the Default Normal field that you want displayed within the text box of the test when the Normal button is clicked. See Example
- Click 'Save.'
- Log out and log in to see the changes associated to the setting.