Encounter Data Entry and Efficiencies
- Ancillary Participant
- Assign Previous Care Plan Items in Plan Screen
- Best Practice for Fill-in Doctor
- Can I chart before starting an appointment?
- Cancel an Encounter After It Has Been Started
- Canceled an Encounter in Error
- Change Encounter Type After the Appointment has been Started
- Change Provider On Exam
- Checkout Task - Create within an Encounter
- Clear Test Data
- Common Abbreviations within RevolutionEHR
- Completed an Encounter In Error
- Drawing Tool - From an Encounter
- Encounter - Exclude a Test from Pull Forward
- Encounter Data Not Saving
- Error Message When Leaving Orientation/Mood Screen
- Error Printing Encounter Summary
- How should Van Herrick Iridocorneal Angle (I, II, III, IV) be documented?
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- LOINC Common Codes
- Medical Order Does Not Have LOINC Code
- Pre-Charting
- Print Encounter
- Provider's Signature on Prescriptions
- Pull Forward Encounter
- Pull Forward Encounter - Exclude a Screen
- Pull Forward Encounter - Setup User Role Access
- Quick Add Refraction Data to a New Rx
- Quick Guide - EMR
- Quick Guide - Pull Forward