Patients can access their clinical data through the patient portal, RevolutionPHR. Three actions are possible:
- View – allows a patient to review clinical data online.
- Download – allows a patient to save a copy of clinical data on their device.
- Transmit – allows a patient to send their clinical data to another entity via Direct messaging or standard email.
The three actions described above are available in two areas of RevolutionPHR: About Me and Appointments.
About Me
The three actions that are found in the Medical Record section are View, Download, and Send: See Example
- view: Provides an online view of the patient’s health information
- download: Two versions of the download action are available; readable format - pdf, and e-sharing format - xml.
- send info: Opens a new window allowing the user to transmit health information to someone else through Direct messaging or standard email: See Example
- If Direct is selected, the receiving clinician/entity must:
- be associated to the patient record in RevolutionEHR; and,
- have a Direct address logged in their External Provider profile in RevolutionEHR.
- If Email is selected, the user can manually enter the recipient's address prior to sending. Note that while standard email is not recommended, the patient is in control of this process and allowed to send in whatever way they choose.
- If Direct is selected, the receiving clinician/entity must:
Clinical data generated within the Appointments section is produced on a per-visit basis. The view, download, and transmit actions discussed above are found in two places: the Most Recent Visit section and the History section: See Example
- Two versions of the download action are available; readable format - pdf, and e-sharing format - xml.
- The Most Recent Visit section displays a patient’s last encounter with the practice. The History section displays all encounters a patient has had with the practice.
- Within the History section, note that the patient can download, view, or transmit all of their clinical encounter summaries at once through the associated links. See Example
- If the patient would like to narrow the focus of their search, a show all link allows all historical encounters to be displayed. See Example
- Each visit has its own dedicated view, download, download xml, and transmit links. See Example
- For patients with a long history with the practice, the Start Date and End Date fields can be used to narrow the list of visits to a specific date range of interest. See Example