We encourage you to read the article Enter Pre-payment before continuing with these instructions.
- Acccess Patients > search for and open a patient > Account.
- Click the + icon.
- Select Patient Invoice.
- In the Select Encounter modal, click 'Skip.' Note: This action opens a new invoice.
- Click the ellipsis button.
- Select 'Add Adhoc.'
- In the Add Adhoc Item modal, input "Gift Card Purchase" in the Description field.
- Press the Tab button on your keyboard.
- Click 'Save.' Note: This action adds a line item on your invoice with $0.00 in the Unit Price column.
- Click 'Authorized.'
- Click 'Receive Payment.'
- In the Receive Payment(s) modal, complete the fields for Payment Amount and Payment Method. Note: The payment amount should match the gift card/certificate amount.
- Input the amount into the Payment column field.
- Click Apply Payments to the $0.00 invoice. This will create a negative invoice.
- Click 'Grant Credit.'
- In the Grant Credit modal, check the box beside Credit to Patient and input credit amount to the patient.
- Click 'Apply.'
The credit applied can be used on future invoices by selecting Credit in the Payment Method field within the Receive Payment modal. When someone uses the gift card/certificate, you can receive payment and choose "Credit" as the payment method. You can also transfer this credit to a linked family member.
Note: If the Gift Card is being purchased for a Family Member, the credit granted can be given directly to the Family Member as long as the two patients are linked together in Family/Contacts.