ANSI rules for 837 files state that when the billing location and the service facility location addresses are the same, remove the service location address from the electronic claim. However, some payers require the service location address to populate on the electronic claim.
Note: NUCC guides the rules for paper claims, thus, box 32 always populates with data even when the service location is not provided on the electronic claim. Keep this in mind and do not use Print Preview or Print Claim for a comparison to what is being sent in an electronic claim.
The following instructions are to force the service location and resolve the rejection.
The instructions for updating Admin are only needed one time. When your system has all service locations updated, you need to follow the instructions for updating the invoice.
- Access Admin > Vendors/Partners > Alternate Service Locations.
- Click the + icon.
- In the Name field, input the service facility name. Note: If you have multiple practice locations with the same name, it is important to differentiate within the Name field so the appropriate location is obvious to the user. e.g., Vision Practice - Foxwood Dr, Vision Practice - Cambridge Dr.
- In the NPI field, input the NPI for the service location.
- Enter the full address using the fields for Address, City, State/Prov, and Zip Code. Note: The remaining fields do not populate in the claim and are not required.
- Click 'Save.'
- Open an invoice.
- Ensure the invoice is in pending.
- Access the Additional Claim Info tab.
- In the field, (32) Alt Service Location, select from the dropdown menu.
- Click 'Save.'
- Authorize the invoice.