The table below lists the data fields and tests into which ExamWriter EHR data is imported into RevolutionEHR. The challenge with EHR data conversion (and data conversion in general) is not only that different systems have different fields, but also that the values that go into those fields can vary widely. Even standard fields can sometimes vary based on the format or what is allowed in a particular field. RevolutionEHR attempts to import data given the differences between systems.
It should be noted that when importing data, both fields that can be mapped successfully into a test/field and those that cannot will have their raw data loaded into the corresponding test’s “Notes” field so that you can see what data was attempted to be loaded from your current system.
RevolutionEHR Test | RevolutionEHR Field | Comment |
Lensometry w/Prism1,2 | Sphere OD/OS Cylinder OD/OS Axis OD/OS Near Add OD/OS Dist PD Near PD H Prism V Prism |
Final Refraction w/Prism1,2 | Sphere OD/OS Cylinder OD/OS Axis OD/OS Add OD/OS H Prism V Prism |
Add OS imports into a Notes field. |
Keratometry1,2 | H Power OD/OS H Meridian OD/OS V Meridian OD/OS |
Optic Nerve1,2 | CD Appearance OD/OS CD Margin OD/OS CD Ratio Observations Optic Disc Evaluations Optic Nerve notes Optic Nerve Evaluation |
Imports into a Notes field. |
IOPs1,2 | OD IOP OS IOP OP Time |
Aided VAs1,2 | Dist VA OD/OS/OU Dist VA Modifier OD/OS/OU PH VA OD/OS |
Uncorrected VAs1,2 | Dist VA OD/OS/OU Dist VA Modifier OD/OS/OU Near VA OD/OS/OU Near VA Modifier OD/OS/OU |
Ultrasonic Pach1,2 | Pach OD/OS | |
Cycloplegic Autorefraction1,2 | Sphere OD/OS Cylinder OD/OS Axis OD/OS |
Refraction - Distance1,2 | Sphere OD/OS Cylinder OD/OS Axis OD/OS Distance VA OD/OS/OU |
Autorefraction | Sphere OD/OS Cylinder OD/OS Axis OD/OS |
Accommodation/Near Add1,2 | NRA PRA Bin. X-cyl |
Pupils1,2 | Binocular Distance PD | |
Near Point Convergence1,2 | NPC Blur Break Recovery Observations |
Vergences1,2 | BI Distance Blur BI Distance Break BI Distance Recovery BO Distance Blur BO Distance Break BO Distance Recovery BI Near Blur BI Near Break BI Near Recovery BO Near Blur BO Near Break BO Near Recovery |
Phorias1,2 | Distance Lateral OU Distance Vertical OD/OS Distance Method Near Lateral OU Near Vertical OD/OS Near Method |
Imports into a Notes field. Imports into a Notes field. Imports into a Notes field. Imports into a Notes field. |
Anterior Segment Imaging | External Photography | Imports into a Notes field. |
Corneal Topography | Corneal Topography note | Imports into a Notes field. |
DPA's Used | Dilation Orders | Imports into a Notes field. |
Fundus1,2 | Macula OD/OS Vitreous OD/OS Choroid Note Macula Note Posterior Segment Posterior Segment Retina Note Retina Detach Note Retina Vascular Note Retinopathy Note Vitreous Note |
Imports into a Notes field. |
Gonioscopy | Scheie Shaffer |
Imports into a Notes field. Imports into a Notes field. |
Spaeth Gonioscopy | Gonioscopy Note | Imports into a Notes field. |
Visual Field Summary | Field Studies Field Studies 92083 Field Studies Glaucoma 82083 Field Studies Neurological 92083 Screening Fields 92081 Screening Fields 92082 Visual Field Screening |
Imports into a Notes field. Imports into a Notes field. Imports into a Notes field. Imports into a Notes field. Imports into a Notes field. Imports into a Notes field. Imports into a Notes field. |
Universal Anterior Segment OCT | Anterior Segment OCT Note | Imports into a Notes field. |
Universal Fundus Photo | Retinal Image Note Retinal Photography Note |
Imports into a Notes field. Imports into a Notes field. |
Universal Glaucoma OCT | Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy (NFL) | Imports into a Notes field. |
Universal Retinal OCT | Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy | Imports into a Notes field. |
1 - For these tests, given the wide variety of possible data values, we are not able to map values to specific selections in RevolutionEHR. The exception to this is for "normal" values. If the practice is able to identify "normal" values for the fields in these tests, we will be able to auto-select the corresponding "normal" value in RevolutionEHR.
2 - These tests have at least one comment field in the test. If any of the field values is deemed "not normal," the field value will be appended to the corresponding comment field on the test.