Follow the Instructions for RevIntegrator before continuing with these instructions.
- It is recommended that RevIntegrator is run from a computer within a connected network. The instructions below describe the process of installing, configuring, and running the integration from a separate network Windows-based computer.
- Complete the installation instructions for the Reichert instrument. If you need assistance with the process, contact your device account representative or refer to Reichert. Additional information on this device can be located on the Reichert ORA product page.
Connect and Configure
In RevolutionEHR, confirm the Ocular Response Analyzer test has been added to all Encounter Templates that are used with this device. Access Admin > Encounter / Interviews > Encounter Test Library > IOP/Pachs. For assistance with configuration of Encounter Templates contact Customer Support.
- Install the ORA software version which must be 4.11 or above. Software download information and manuals can be located on the Reichert website.
- Confirm the software version by accessing the ORA software, click 'About.'
- Note the computer and shared directory pathway to the ORA.mbd file.
- The default location is C:\Users\Public\Documents\Reichert\ORA2\ORA.mbd. Other computers on your network should locate a path similar to this format: \\pcname\directorysharename\ORA.mdb.
- Open RevIntegrator on your desktop, click the Settings menu to add the Reichert device.
- Click 'Add Device.'
- Select ReichertORA device from the list, click 'Add Device.'
- The newly added device displays in the top half of the Settings screen. Device settings are displayed in the lower half of the screen. Configure the following details:
- File Filter: ora.mdb
- List Timespan In Days: 5 or 10 (default is 30), this setting determines how many past days of measurements should be included in the results.
- Path: \\pcname\directory\Reichert for the data files stored on a network share. The default path is C:\Users\Public\Documents\Reichert\ORA2\
- Click 'Save.'
Capture Device Data
- Open RevIntegrator.
- Access RevolutionEHR > Patients > search for and open a patient > start an Encounter.
- Access RevIntegrator and click 'Refresh.'
- Select the Patient.
- Select the device from the Device list.
- Click 'Capture Data.' Note: If you receive a message "Error: Failed to retrieve the required data from the DataBase," a Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 patch is required. To download and install the patch, access the Microsoft website.
- Data is captured and the Select ORA Measurement screen displays. Click to highlight a result, and click 'Select.' Note: Click 'Display All' and 'Refresh' if you do not see today's measurements displayed.
- The Preview Data screen displays. Review the data.
- Click 'Send to RevolutionEHR.' A message displays confirming your data has been submitted successfully. Note: If the following message appears, "None of the tests necessary for device (ReichertORA) were found in this encounter (24743378)," this indicates the test Ocular Response Analyzer has not been added to the Encounter Template. To add this test to a patient encounter:
- Access the patient's encounter and locate the appropriate screen where the test should reside.
- Click 'Add Test.'
- From the Add Test screen, select Ocular Response Analyzer.