Follow the instructions for RevIntegrator for Imaging before continuing with these instructions.
- Within RevolutionEHR, access Admin > General > Practice Preferences > Additional Preferences > Integrations.
- Click 'Yes' for "Enable Optovue Export."
- Click 'Save.'
- Log out and log in.
- Within the Settings dialog box of RevIntegrator for Imaging (access Edit > Settings), click 'Extensions,' and click 'Optovue Extension.'
- The Launch ReVue and iVue Commands are configured based on default installation of that software.
- Click 'Save and Close.'
Export Data
RevIntegrator for Imaging will enter and maintain patient records and then export that data to Optovue. If a patient exists in RevolutionEHR but does not have a matching record in the Optovue ReVue or iVue software, a new patient record will be created.
- Access Patients > search for and open a patient.
- Click 'Export' and select Export to Optovue. Note: The Export button is located within the header.
- If a patient exists in RevolutionEHR but does not have a matching record in Optovue ReVue, or iVue, a dialog box displays that asks if you want to add the patient, click 'Yes.'
- If any of the key fields do not match the patient you are attempting to update, Optovue displays a warning and indicates the patient needs to be selected manually.
- Exit when finished.
Optovue ReVue
- Launch Optovue ReVue.
- In the Tool section of the Retina Map screen, (lower left corner), either option of Jpeg or Png format will work.
- Setup file directories, either on a shared drive or on a computer's hard drive. There should be two different folders, one for Glaucoma Files and one for Retina Maps. These files should be setup under a common parent directory, such as Uploads for RevEHR. Suggested directory names are below:
- C:\RTOCTVIEW\UploadsforRevEHR\ClaucomaFiles.
- C:\RTOCTVIEW\UploadsforRevEHR\RetinaMaps.
- Launch RevIntegrator for Imaging.
- Access Edit > Settings > Extensions > click 'SendtoRev Extension.'
- In the SendtoRev - User Profiles window, click 'New Profile.'
- In the Create new User Profile window, select the radio button beside Device.
- Select Optovue Glaucoma from the Select a Profile dropdown menu.
- A new User Profile is created. Click the checkbox for "Profile Enabled," which will tell the system to start watching for new files.
- By default, the Watched Folder field has the directory path suggested in step #3. If you have configured a different path, update the Watched Folder field and ensure it has the full drive letter and path.
- Repeat steps 5-9 to create another User Profile for Optovue Retina.
- Click 'Save and Close.'
Browser Settings
Each browser used must have configuration settings. Follow the instructions below for each browser type used on each PC. These settings will need to be configured only once.
The first time "Export to Optovue" is used in:
- Firefox: A popup window displays. Click 'OK.'
- Chrome: A message displays that indicates a popup was blocked. Click the option for "Always allow pop-ups from..." and click 'Done.'
- Edge: A View Downloads dialog box displays. On the highlighted file, click 'Open.'