To access RevConnect, hover your cursor over the RevConnect icon in the system's navigation bar and select Dashboard. The RevConnect Dashboard allows you to search for communications, displays the success rate of communications sent, and provides quick links to the patients and their communication results.
- When the RevConnect Dashboard is accessed, success rates and patient communications are automatically displayed from the last 30 days.
- The default setting for the grid is set to display ten results. Access the Show dropdown menu to display more results.
- By default, the RevConnect pod displays on the Patient Summary screen within the patient's file. Employees can customize which pods they want to display on the Patient Summary screen. To learn more, see Patient Summary.
Success indicators
Success indicators are displayed for Appointment, Recall, Recare, and Order messages. These indicators provide a way to measure if communications are resulting in positive outcomes. The kind of information displayed in each success indicator is similar, however, it does change slightly depending on the indicator's category.
- The red icon indicates there was a message(s) sent that was either undeliverable or the patient opted out. The total number of messages with the status of undeliverable or opted out is displayed within the icon. Note: Undeliverable and opted out statuses are highlighted in red within the grid at the bottom of the screen.
- Success Rate: The percentage displayed indicates the success rate for that category's communications. Hover your cursor over the 'i' icon to view the formula used to determine the success rate percentage.
- Messages: The total number of messages sent within the date range indicated for the current search. This number includes the total number of email and text messages. (e.g., A patient is sent a text and an email for one appointment, this will count as two messages.)
- Appointments: This number indicates the total number of individual appointments for which communications that have been created. Because it is likely communications will be sent by both email and text, this number will be significantly lower than the messages number.
- Checked In: "Checked In" is displayed for the Appointment category only. The number displayed indicates how many patients had an encounter started.
- Scheduled: This is displayed for Recall and Recare categories only. The number displayed indicates if an appointment was scheduled.
- Dispensed: This is displayed for the Order category only. The number displayed indicates how many orders have been dispensed.
Results and Search
Each time the Dashboard is accessed, there is an automatic search completed that is for the prior 30 days. All messages that have been created are listed in the grid at the bottom of the page.
- Date Sent: Date and time the communication has been or will be sent.
- Name: The patient name is a hyperlink to the patient's chart.
- Category: Indicates the communication category ( e.g., Appointment, Recall, Recare, Order, Birthday, Wait List).
- Method: Indicates how the communication was sent or is going to be sent (e.g. Email or Text).
- Source: Indicates if the communication was sent automatically according to the RevConnect settings or if the communication was sent manually.
- Message Status: Indicates the message status (e.g., Pending, Sent, Opened, Undeliverable, Opted Out).
- Pending indicates the communication has been created within RevolutionEHR but is waiting to be sent according to the "Communication Times" that have been indicated within "Settings."
- Result: Indicates the result of the communication. The data displayed will vary based on the Category and some results will include a hyperlink.
Simple Search: Input a patient's last name or first name (or partial name information) and click 'Search.'
Advanced Search: Use the dropdown menu options to create search parameters that will meet your needs. Click 'Clear' to reset the search fields. Click 'Simple Search' to close Advanced Search.
Additional Information
For more information on RevConnect or to speak with a RevConnect professional, click here.