In order to configure RevIntegrator for Barcode Printing, you must be physically in the practice location.
- Choose the appropriate practice location within the system's navigation bar.
- Access Admin > General > Practice Preferences > Additional Preferences > Inventory > Use Barcode Printing Integration > click 'Yes' > click 'Save.'
- Directly beside the "Yes/No" buttons from #2, click the link to "View Printers."
- In the Label Printer Configuration modal, click 'Add Printer.'
- Select the Label Printer from the dropdown menu. Note: The dropdown menu only lists the printers that the integration supports.
- Select the Printer Name from the dropdown menu that matches the Label Printer that was indicated from step #5. Note: The dropdown menu includes all printers within your practice location that the system finds on your network.
- Select the labels used by the location you are configuring. Note: The dropdown menu only lists the labels that the integration supports.
- Enable the checkbox beside "Set as Default Printer" if this will be the primary printer used at this location. There can only be one printer/label default. To indicate a different default printer, click 'Set As Default.'
- Click 'Add.'
- If more than one printer needs to be configured for the location, repeat steps 1-9.
- Click 'Close.'
- Click 'Save.'
- Optional Feature: The ability to indicate a location identifier on the printed barcode label is available. Access Admin > General > Locations > open a location > Basic Information section > Barcode Label Location # > input characters that identify this location. This field supports two characters and can be a combination of letters and numbers. The data entered is displayed on the printed barcode label. Click 'Save.'
- Log out and log in to see the changes associated to the setting.