File Upload-Configuration Profile is used to maintain your uploaded files. Each profile maps uploaded files to specific encounter tests within RevolutionEHR.
- Multiple profiles can be maintained if you have multiple devices or systems that create files. E.g., Fundus Camera uploads files to the Fundus test and Posterior Pole photos uploads to Posterior Pole test within the encounter. Therefore, two distinct configuration profiles can watch two different directories and upload files to two different encounter tests.
- Watched Folder: Contains the local or network path where files are written. More information on using or creating local and networked directory paths is located within Sharing Network Directories.
- Master Test Id and Test Name indicate the test within the patient's encounter where the files are uploaded.
- Folder Filters are optional and can provide a way to specify the types of files that should upload to RevolutionEHR.
Profile Configuration
- Launch RevIntegrator for Imaging. (Access the desktop icon or launch from the Start Menu.)
- Access Settings > Extensions tab.
- Click 'File Upload Extension.'
- The File Upload - Configuration Profiles modal displays. Click 'New Profile.'
- Select a Template from the dropdown menu. See more information on Configuration Templates in the table below.
- If a template does not meet your needs, you can create a new template. To create a new template:
- Click the radio button beside 'No template.' Click 'Create.'
- Within the Name field enter the template name.
- Continue with step 7 listed below.
- Click 'Create.'
- From within the File Upload - Configuration modal, click the ellipsis located at the end of the Watched Folder field and select the appropriate folder. Click 'OK.'
- Click the ellipsis located at the end of the Master Test Id field and select the appropriate test. Click 'Close.' Note: If appropriate, click the small triangle to expand the list below each category to locate a specific test.
- Click 'Save and Close.'
- Folder Filters are optional and can provide a way to specify the types of files that should upload to RevolutionEHR. If appropriate to your location, proceed to Folder Filters, otherwise, the installation process is complete.
- When files are loaded into a watched folder, a RevolutionEHR Login screen displays. Enter your RevolutionEHR username and password. Click 'Login.' Note: If you are already logged into RevolutionEHR, this step will not occur.
- The File Upload screen displays the patients from today's In-Progress Encounters and files that are in the watched folder. Select the appropriate patient and the files that need to be uploaded.
- If the patient is not displayed, click 'Refresh.'
- Click 'Upload.'
Configuration Template Type |
RevolutionEHR Test (Master Test ID) |
Example of Uploaded Files | Example Devices** |
Visual Field-Humphrey | Humphrey Threshold Visual Field Testing (22) | Visual Field Report (PNG or PDF) Photos |
Zeiss Humphrey Visual Field Analyzer Oculus Easy Field |
Visual Field-Octopus | Octopus (23) |
Visual Field Report (PNG or PDF) Photos |
Octopus (Eyesuite Software) |
Visual Field Summary | Visual Field Summary (276) | Reports and Photos | Any device |
Fundus Macula Photos | Fundus (297) | Macula (PNG and JPG files) |
Nidek AFCs Canon AFCs Topcon TRC Kowa Cameras |
Fundus Posterior Pole Photos | Posterior Pole (266) | Posterior Pole Photos (PNG or JPG files) |
Nidek AFCs Canon AFCs Topcon TRC Kowa Cameras |
OCT Fundus | Fundus (297) |
Macula Optic Nerve Ganglion Cell Complex Cornea Anterior Chamber Angle (PNG or JPG files) |
Topcon OCT 2000 iVue OptoVue Optos Zeiss Stratus Zeiss Cirrus |
OCT Slit Lamp | Slit Lamp (210) |
Macula Optic Nerve Ganglion Cell Complex Cornea Angerior Chamber Angle (PNG or JPG files) |
OCT Optic Nerve | Optic Nerve (295) |
Macula Optic Nerve Ganglion Cell Complex Cornea Anterior Chamber Angle (PNG or JPG files) |
Topography | Corneal Topography (177) |
Corneal Topography Reports (PNG, JPG, PDF files) |
Topcon KR-1W Reichert ORA Keratron Scout Nidek OPD III Topcon Kr1-W |
**Integration is not limited to the devices listed. Contact Customer Support to inquire if your device can be used with RevIntegrator for Imaging.
Additional Information
We recommend reviewing the following articles:
- RevIntegrator for Imaging
- RevIntegrator for Imaging - Setup
- RevIntegrator for Imaging - Managing File Storage
- RevIntegrator for Imaging - Settings
- Final step is this article - Profile Configuration.