RevIntegrator is software developed by RevolutionEHR that is installed on one or more computers in your office and acts as a bridge between the actual device/instrument and the RevolutionEHR servers. It communicates with the selected device(s), reads the data from the device, and sends the data to the RevolutionEHR database to the exam/patient selected by the user.
System Requirements
RevIntegrator is installed software, the following requirements are necessary for the download:
- Supported Operating Systems: Windows 10 / 8; Parallels Desktop for Mac.
- Memory Requirements: 50M of RAM available.
- Hard Disk Requirements: 10M available disk space.
- Communication (Com or Serial ) Port Requirements: These requirements are specific to your device. See the specifications from your instrument vendor.
- As with the Communication Port Requirements, your device/instrument vendor may have system requirements in addition to those listed above.
- For any computer that will be connected to devices, access the attached file, RevIntegrator.Setup.msi, located at the bottom of this article.
- If using Windows 10, Windows SmartScreen might display a warning. Click the checkbox, "I understand the risk and want to run this app." Click 'Run anyway.'
- Click 'Next.'
- The installation progresses through a series of three more modals. Click 'Next' in the Select Installation Folder modal. Note: Change the folder location, if necessary.
- Click 'Next' in the Confirm Installation modal.
- Click 'Finish.'
- The RevIntegrator icon is now displayed on your desktop.
Additional Information
We recommend reviewing the following articles: